Garner & Hancock Complaints Policy
We want to give you the best possible service. However, if at any point you become unhappy or concerned about the service we have provided then we would encourage you to inform us immediately, so that we can do our best to resolve the problem.
In the first instance it may be helpful to contact an advisor who is working on your case to discuss your concerns and we will do our best to resolve any issues. If you still have queries or concerns, please contact Mr Vinay Tanna to 4 Church Street Old Isleworth London TW7 6BH, via email or by telephone on 0208 232 9560. Your right to complain might relate to the way in which your matter is being handled or the fee we are seeking from you.
For further information or if you want to make a formal complaint, then you can read our full complaints procedure here. In our procedure, we explain how we will handle a formal complaint. We also explain the role of the Legal Ombudsman and the Solicitors Regulation Authority and provide useful contact details so that you can be properly aware of your rights and the options available to you.
How Can We Help You?
We’re here to assist you. Simply send us your query, and we’ll provide an initial consultation to anyone seeking legal assistance. Don’t hesitate to contact us anytime for help with your legal matters.