Deputyship or Statutory Will Application

Customised and all-inclusive services at a great value

Applying for Deputyship or a Statutory Will is a personal matter that involves detailed steps and often requires specific information about the individual who lacks capacity.We are dedicated to providing professional, friendly service at exceptional value, which includes all the services listed below:

  • In-person or online meeting with one of our legal professionals
  • STEP qualified specialist solicitor handling your matter
  • Our legal advice in writing
  • Full guidance on the application process
  • Help with a mental capacity assessment
  • Preparation of the court application
  • Guidance on your witness statement to the court
  • Application and communication with the Court of Protection
  • Regular progress report and communication with you
  • Advice on acting as a deputy and your reporting duties to the court
  • Joint appointment of our professional deputy if needed
  • Indemnity insurance of £3 million
  • Enjoy complimentary newsletters from G&H, packed with updates and tips (optional)

From £2,500 plus VAT and disbursements

How Can We Help?

Happy to help! Feel free to contact us at any time for a consultation on your legal matters.

The typical timeline from start to finish is 2 to 4 weeks.