Lasting Power of Attorney

fully personalised and comprehensive services

Making a Lasting Power of Attorney ensures that one or two trusted people can make decisions for you, either with immediate effect (Personal Welfare LPA only) or when you lack the ability to make them in the future.

Why should you consider establishing a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)?

This crucial legal document empowers you to designate someone you trust to make important decisions on your behalf, especially during challenging times. With an LPA in place, you can navigate the uncertainties associated with health concerns, such as the progression of dementia or the need for nursing home care. It ensures that your wishes are respected and that qualified individuals are entrusted to manage your affairs when you are no longer able to do so yourself.

By planning ahead with an LPA, you can gain peace of mind knowing that your future is in trusted hands.

  • In-person or online meeting with one of our legal professionals
  • STEP qualified specialist solicitor handling your matter
  • Assessment of mental capacity if needed
  • Certification of mental capacity on the document
  • Our legal advice in writing
  • Joint appointment of our professional attorney if needed
  • Preparation of the final document for execution
  • Meeting to have your LPAs witnessed
  • Application to the Court of Protection (Office for the Public Guardian) to have the LPAs registered
  • Certified copies of the registered documents
  • Indemnity insurance of £3 million
  • Secure LPAs storage for you (small storage fee may apply)
  • Enjoy complimentary newsletters from G&H, packed with updates and tips (optional)

A single Lasting Power of Attorney (health or finance)

£749 plus VAT (plus court fees)

A complete set of Lasting Powers of Attorney (heath and finance)

£1,199 plus VAT (plus court fees)

A complete set of Lasting Powers of Attorney for a couple (husband and wife)

£1,799 plus VAT (plus court fees)

Our timeline is typically 2 to 4 weeks. Plus approximately 3 months for the court (OPG) to register the documents.

Request for a Legal Consultation

Garner & Hancock realise that the prospect of pursuing a legal matter can be challenging, so we offer an initial phone consultation to discuss your options, and to give you information that will help you make the right choices affecting your case.

What are the types of LPA?

  • Property & Affairs LPAs – “PALPA“
    Appoints attorneys to make decisions such as buying or selling a house for you, managing your finances or claiming your benefit entitlements.
  • Personal Welfare LPAs – “PWLPA”
    Appoints attorneys to make decisions such as where you should live, what medical treatment you should consent to having, and your day to day needs.

Who can be my Attorney?

Who you choose is a decision for you; however you should make sure that it is someone whom you trust absolutely to make the right decisions for you. Rather than choose only one person, it might be better to consider appointing a second trusted person, as this reduces the risk of the power to make such decisions being abused.

Perhaps you might choose family members or perhaps a professional who deals with complex decisions and a family member to deal with day to day issues such as paying your bills and collecting your benefit payments.

You can choose how much authority you want to grant to your attorneys; you may wish to grant a general power granting them authority to manage all your property and affairs, or you may wish to place limitations upon what decisions they can make for you. Such a decision on your part needs to be specifically stated in your LPA.

What Happens if You Don’t Make a Lasting Power of Attorney?

If you do not make a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and you lose mental capacity, your loved ones must apply to the Court of Protection for a Deputyship Order.

Our Guarantee

Family Law Advice, members of STEP experts in planning

We believe our business begins and ends with you and your needs, as our client. Therefore, we are committed to providing the best client care and advice which will give you confidence that your matter is handled with the utmost care.

How Can We Help?

We are here to help! Feel free to contact us anytime for a consultation on your legal matters.

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